Medical Exam Info


Dear parent of Prague Sharks swimmer(s), dear adult swimmer,

Please give an urgent attention to this information:

According to the new rules of the Czech Swimming Federation, all registered swimmers MUST have a medical examination confirmation/report:

1. to be allowed to compete at the competitions (!!! – actually to be allowed to register for competition so please if you want to compete during the season, do it asap)

2. to be covered by insurance

Please visit your doctor as soon as possible and ask him/her to do it for you/your child. There is no need to search for some special sport doctor, your normal one (general or child) is ok.

Please ask him to do a medical examination of an athlete (“výkonnostní sportovec” – normal athlete, not professional) and for a written report (you can use our "ready to use" "FORM for the first time examination" or "FORM for repeated examination".

Your child should have the report while going to the competition and I NEED TO KNOW THE DATE of the examination – to register it to the database.

The examination should include:

- basic evaluation

- basic anthropometry (weight and height)

- basic rest electrocardiograph (needs to be done just once, not during repeated examinations)

The validity of the examination should be one year.

Usual cost is 100 CZK.

All relevant info in Czech is in the following link, the most relevant things in red (may help to your doctor)

If you or your doctor need any assistance, please contact me.

Yours clubsecretary